Andrei Chagin
Associate Professor, PhD
I am studying various aspects of skeletal biology, from developmental and evolutionary appearance of skeletal elements to their maintenance and degeneration with aging.
Head of Laboratory for skeletal physiology
Department of Physiology and Pharmacology
Karolinska Institutet
171 77 Stockholm, Sweden
Head of Laboratory for skeletal biology
Institute of Medicine
Gothenburg University
405 30 Gothenburg, Sweden
Tel: +46852487940;
Cell: +46701628625 (WhatsApp, Viber)
✉ andrei.chagin at
Karolinska Institute / Gothenburg University
Dana Trompet
I study the skeletal stem and progenitor cells (SSPCs), their interaction with their niche, and their behavior upon different stimuli or environments. I am interested in the regulation of SSPCs via growth hormone, and how SSPCs are affected in pathological conditions.
Postdoctoral fellow
✉ dana.trompet at
Daniela Hanke
I study the effects of malnourishment and later catch-up growth on stem cells in the growth plate using various diets and different transgenic mouse strains. Further I try to establish an assay to transdifferentiate human fibroblast into osteoblasts to measure osteoblastic bone mineralization in fibroblast extracted from patients with bone-specific diseases.
Postdoctoral fellow
✉ daniela.hanke at
Lei Li
Postdoctoral fellow
✉ at
Nelson Chu
I am working on characterizing the cellular dynamics of osteochondro-progenitor cells in bone and using advance imaging techniques to reconstruct the niche of skeletal stem cells in different context. I am also exploring the possibility to apply spatial transcriptomics to study the development of skeletal elements in detail.
Postdoctoral fellow
✉ tsz.long.chu at
Ostap Dregval
Doing bioinformatics and data analysis, currently focusing on analyzing Single Cell RNAseq data.
✉ ostap.dregval at